.. _rapthor_strategy: Defining a custom processing strategy ===================================== The default processing strategy is designed to perform full self calibration of a typical LOFAR dataset. However, depending on the field and the aims of the reduction, the default strategy may not be optimal. A custom processing strategy can be supplied by specifying the full path to a strategy file in the :term:`strategy` entry of the Rapthor parset. The strategy file is a Python file with the following structure: .. code-block:: """ Script that defines a custom user processing strategy """ strategy_steps = [] n_cycles = 8 for i in range(n_cycles): strategy_steps.append({}) strategy_steps[i][parameter1] = value1 strategy_steps[i][parameter2] = value2 The file basically defines the variable ``strategy_steps``, which is a list of dictionaries. There is one entry (dictionary) in the list per processing cycle. Each dictionary stores the processing parameters for that cycle. .. note:: An example of a custom strategy file is available `here `_. A file that duplicates the default self calibration strategy is available `here `_. .. note:: If the strategy performs self calibration, the last entry in ``strategy_steps`` can be used to specify parameters specific to the final iteration (which is performed after self calibration finishes). In the default self calibration strategy, the parameters for the final iteration are set to those of the last cycle of selfcal. The following processing parameters can be set for each cycle: .. glossary:: do_calibrate Boolean flag that determines whether the calibration step should be done for this cycle. solve_min_uv_lambda Minimum uv distance in lambda used during calibration for this cycle (applies to both fast-phase and slow-gain solves). fast_timestep_sec Solution interval in sec to use in the fast-phase solves. do_slowgain_solve Boolean flag that determines whether the slow-gain part of calibration should be done for this cycle. slow_timestep_joint_sec Solution interval in sec to use in the "joint" slow-gain solves (where all stations share a joint solution). slow_timestep_separate_sec Solution interval in sec to use in the "separate" slow-gain solves (where each station gets a separate solution). do_fulljones_solve Boolean flag that determines whether the direction-independent full-Jones part of calibration should be done for this cycle. peel_outliers Boolean flag that determines whether the outlier sources (sources that lie outside of any imaging sector region) should be peeled for this cycle. Outliers can only be peeled once (unlike bright sources, see below), as they are not added back for subsequent selfcal cycles. Note that, because they are not imaged, outlier source models do not change during self calibration: however, the solutions they receive may change. To include one or more outlier sources in self calibration, a small imaging sector can be placed on each outlier of interest. The outliers will than be imaging and its model updated with the rest of the field. peel_bright_sources Boolean flag that determines whether the bright sources should be peeled for this cycle (for imaging only). The peeled bright sources are added back before subsequent selfcal cycles are performed (so they are included in the calibration, etc.). Generally, peeling of bright sources is beneficial when using screens but not when using facets. max_normalization_delta Float that sets the maximum allowed fractional delta from unity for the per-station normalization. scale_normalization_delta Boolean flag that determines whether the maximum allowed fractional normalization delta (set by the ``max_normalization_delta`` parameter) is constrained to vary linearly with distance from the phase center. If True, the maximum delta is zero at the phase center and reaches the value set by ``max_normalization_delta`` for the most distant calibration patch. If False, the maximum delta is the same for all calibration patches. do_image Boolean flag that determines whether the imaging step should be done for this cycle. auto_mask Float that sets WSClean's automask value for this cycle. threshisl Float that sets PyBDSF's threshisl value for this cycle. threshpix Float that sets PyBDSF's threshpix value for this cycle. max_nmiter Integer that sets the maximum number of major iterations done during imaging for this cycle. target_flux Float (or ``None``) that sets the target flux density in Jy for DDE calibrators for this cycle. If ``None``, a value must be specified for ``max_directions``. max_directions Integer (or ``None``) that sets the maximum number of directions (DDE calibrators) used during calibration for this cycle. If ``None``, a value must be specified for ``target_flux``. If both ``max_directions`` and ``target_flux`` are specified, the specified target flux density is used unless it would result in more than the specified maximum number of directions, in which case the target flux density is increased to ensure that the maximum number of directions is not exceeded. max_distance Float (or ``None``) that sets the maximum distance in degrees from the phase center for DDE calibrators for this cycle. If ``None``, all sources in the sky model are considered to be potential calibrators. This cut is made before the cuts due to the target flux (``target_flux``) or maximum number of directions (``max_directions``). regroup_model Boolean flag that determines whether the sky model should be regrouped for this cycle. do_check Boolean flag that determines whether the check for self-calibration convergence should be done for this cycle. convergence_ratio Float that sets the minimum ratio of the current image noise to the previous image noise above which selfcal is considered to have converged (must be in the range 0.5 -- 2). A check is also done for the image dynamic range and number of sources, where the ratio of the current to previous value must be below 1 / ``convergence_ratio``. Selfcal is considered to have converged only if all of these conditions are met. divergence_ratio Float that sets the minimum ratio of the current image noise to the previous image noise above which selfcal is considered to have diverged (must be > 1). failure_ratio Float that sets the minimum ratio of the current image noise to the theoretical image noise above which selfcal is considered to have failed (must be > 1).