The Operation class

The Operation class is used to define, set up, and run a operation’s CWL workflow. A subclass of the Operation class is defined for each operation. See Subclasses of the Operation class for details of each Operation subclass.

class rapthor.lib.operation.Operation(field, name=None, index=None)

Generic operation class

An operation is simply a CWL workflow that performs a part of the processing. It holds the workflow settings, populates the workflow input and parset templates, and runs the workflow. The field object is passed between operations, each of which updates it with variables needed by other, subsequent, operations.

fieldField object

Field for this operation

namestr, optional

Name of the operation

indexint, optional

Index of the operation


Finalize this operation.

Create a “done” file to indicate that this operations is done. Specializations should be defined in the subclasses as needed.


Check if this operation is done, by checking if a “done” file exists.


Runs the operation


Define parameters needed for the CWL workflow inputs

The dictionary keys must match the workflow inputs defined in the corresponding workflow parset.

The entries are defined in the subclasses as needed


Define parameters needed for the CWL workflow template

The dictionary keys must match the jinja template variables used in the corresponding workflow parset.

The entries are defined in the subclasses as needed


Set up this operation

This involves filling the workflow template and writing the inputs file

Subclasses of the Operation class

A subclass of the Operation class is defined for each of Rapthor’s operations (see Operations): calibrate, predict, image, and mosaic. These subclasses are described in detail below.

The Calibrate class

The Predict class

The Image class

class rapthor.operations.image.Image(field, index)

Operation to image a field sector


Finalize this operation


Define the CWL workflow inputs


Define parameters needed for the CWL workflow template

The Mosaic class

class rapthor.operations.mosaic.Mosaic(field, index)

Operation to mosaic sector images


Finalize this operation


Define the CWL workflow inputs


Define parameters needed for the CWL workflow template